Friday, January 4, 2008


So doing my normal thing and reading through my RSS feeds and I come across an article about getting finances in order using a new webapp called Wesabe. So I decide to check it out. Their privacy policy is great they include a "Data Bill of Rights" basically they are insanely paranoid when it comes to security, don't store any financial account data on their servers, keep personally identifying information separate from financial data, and when you want to delete all your stuff from their system they let you. Best of all it is free. They have a couple of ways to get financial data onto their system and they are relatively easy once you RTFM. I have already put in my information and am going to be using it to monitor where my money goes so that I can try to get a grip on my finances and pay off my debt. Anyway if you are like me and need help getting this stuff organized check it out HERE.

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